A beginner’s guide to picture books

5 things you may not know about picture books

  1. picture books usually have 32 pages

  2. there are usually 12 spreads

  3. there are end papers

  4. there is the title page

  5. there is the credits page

You need to be able to tell story in picture books in 12 spreads. Therefore it is important to get the pacing of the story correct, as well as the composition, the colour theme of the book and how the characters will appear in the book. Creating a simple storyboard can help to link the ideas that may be in your head onto paper. The storyboard will give you a ‘bird’s eye view of the story, and will help you to make any changes easily. I will initially have a very very rough storyboard to help take out any anxiety from starting a new project. This helps me to loosen up and helps me to draw without feeling restricted. Why don’t you try some very simple storyboards and see where they take you? Don’t worry about ‘getting it right’ at this stage. The initial stage is just to have the courage to put pen to a blank sheet of paper and have fun!


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